About Us

“SIGURIA” Insurance Company is one of the most serious companies in the insurance market in Kosovo, with a long experience and a long success story spanning more than 20 years. Founded on 05.06.2000, our company has followed a stable and reliable journey, offering a wide range of products, insurance for individuals and businesses. Licensed by the CBK, we have earned the trust of thousands of customers and have created a strong support base in Kosovo as well as from our international partners.

In the early years of our activities, we started by offering mandatory insurances, such as Third-Party Liability (TPL), thus meeting the needs of the domestic market. Over time, we have expanded our portfolio to include voluntary insurance covering a wide range of services, bringing new and beneficial opportunities to our clients.

Our growth is a testament to our commitment to quality and reliability. With an extensive network that includes all major centers in Kosovo, we have Founded a strong presence in the market and are committed to further expanding the scope of our services.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing SIGURIA Company means having a reliable partner in protecting your assets, for the following reasons:

Experience and Reliability

With over a decade in the field of insurance, we have built a reputation for fairness and commitment to fulfilling our obligations to our clients.

Broad Product Portfolio

We offer a full range of insurances, including mandatory and voluntary insurance, tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Strong International Support

Our portfolio is reinsured by international reinsurers, which guarantees stability and security in fulfilling our financial obligations.

Customer Service

We believe that every client is unique and deserves a personalized and unique approach, offering solutions that match their individual needs.

Our Products

We offer a wide range of insurance products to help you protect yourself and your business from various risks. Some of our products include:  

Vehicle Insurance

Includes mandatory TPL and CASCO insurance for more complete protection of your vehicles.

Personal Accident Insurance

An important protection that covers you in the event of an accident, providing compensation for physical injuries.

Home and Property Insurance

Protects your property, whether it’s an apartment, house or commercial building, from natural damage, fire and other hazards.

Cargo and Transport Insurance

Provides protection for goods transported domestically and internationally, ensuring their safety in transit.

Bank and Cash-In-Transit Insurance

We have designed special products to protect financial institutions and cash-in-transit or in safe boxes.

Public Liability Insurance

Protects against legal liability for damages caused to third parties, providing complete protection for businesses and individuals.  

Strategy and Objectives

SIGURIA Company has developed clear strategies focused on continuous growth and development. Our main strategic objectives include:

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Handling Competition

We carefully monitor market activity to always be ready to face the challenges of competition, offering high-quality services and products tailored to market needs.

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Increase Profit Rate

By optimizing revenue and expense management, we aim to increase gross profit and expand our mandatory and voluntary insurance portfolio.

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Expanding Presence in the Insurance Market

We currently hold a significant market share, around 9.8%, and we aim to further increase this percentage by building strong relationships with our customers and partners

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Quality Customer Service

Continuously improving our services and developing new products are at the heart of our strategy to ensure that our customers always get the best.


Our Team and Network

With a team of professionals and agents working throughout Kosovo, we are committed to providing you with fast, safe and reliable services. Every day, we work to be by your side and protect you from any risks you may encounter.

S – ecurity

I - ntegrity

G - uarantee

U - Leading

R - esults

I - nvestment

A - Commitment

Siguria - Your security, our mission!

Siguria - Your security, our mission!

Siguria - Your security, our mission!

Siguria - Your security, our mission!

Siguria - Your security, our mission!

siguria ks

Misioni dhe Vizioni

Ofrimi i të siguruarve tanë mbulim të shkëlqyer dhe trajtim të dëmeve përmes ofrimit të kujdeshëm dhe të zellshëm  të rreziqeve dhe zgjedhjeve miqësore për klientët.

siguria ks

Misioni dhe Vizioni

Ofrimi i të siguruarve tanë mbulim të shkëlqyer dhe trajtim të dëmeve përmes ofrimit të kujdeshëm dhe të zellshëm  të rreziqeve dhe zgjedhjeve miqësore për klientët.

siguria ks

Struktura Organizative

Me një ekip të përbërë nga profesionistë dhe agjentë të shpërndarë në të gjithë Kosovën, struktura jonë organizative është ndërtuar për të ofruar shërbime të shpejta, të sigurta dhe të besueshme. Secili departament luan një rol kyç në mbrojtjen tuaj dhe në përmbushjen e nevojave tuaja, duke garantuar një mbulim të plotë dhe një shërbim cilësor në çdo hap.

siguria ks

Aksionar i vetem i “Kompania e Sigurimeve të Përgjithshme Siguria” SH.A. është “Banka Ekonomike” SH.A me 100% të kapitalit te saj, apo ne vlere prej 19,502,335.00 Euro

Fitim Rexhepaj

Z. Rexhepaj ka përfunduar studimet në Banka, Financa dhe Kontabilitet në Universitetin e Prishtinës, duke vendosur themelet e forta për një karrierë të suksesshme në menaxhimin financiar dhe udhëheqjen ekzekutive. Me njohuri të thelluara dhe përkushtim profesional, ai nisi rrugëtimin e tij në sektorin bankar, duke mbajtur pozita kyçe në institucione prestigjioze.

Lumbardh Kusari

Z. Kusari ka përfunduar studimet në Administrim Biznesi dhe Ekonomi në Universitetin e Evropës Juglindore dhe aktualisht po ndjek studimet master në fushën e Ekonomisë. Karrierën e tij profesionale e nisi në Bankën Ekonomike si Analist Kredie, ku me përkushtim të jashtëzakonshëm dhe aftësi të spikatura, arriti të avancojë shpejt në pozicionin e Analistit të Korporatave, dhe më pas si Koordinator Rajonal për Klientët Privatë.